Dr. Konstantinos Travlos

Dr. Konstantinos Travlos obtained his BA in International and European Studies from Panteion University (2005), his MA in International Relations from the Committee of International Relations at the University of Chicago (2009), and his Ph.D. in Political Science with a specialization in International Relations and International Conflict from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2013). He has worked in the Global Studies Program of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois-USA, and as a Visiting Professor of Political Science at Georgia Southern University, Georgia-USA.  From 2014 to 2022 he was Assistant Professor of International Relations at Ozyegin University, Istanbul-Turkiye. Since 2022 he is Instructor of Political Science at Great Basin College, Nevada-USA. His research focuses on the quantitative and qualitative exploration of the correlates of war and peace among states, within the Steps to War Framework, as well as historical and contemporary Greece-Turkey interstate relations. Dr. Travlos has published articles in International Studies Perspective, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, Social Sciences Quarterly, All Azimuth, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, The European Journal of Humour Research, and the Asian International Studies Review. He is also the editor of the volume Salvation and Catastrophe: The Greek-Turkish War, 1919–1922 published by Lexington Books. Dr. Travlos has contributed articles in the popular press in Greek, English, Spanish, and Turkish, and he has also published policy briefs with the Hermes Institute of International Affairs, Security & Geoeconomy, Greece.

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