When are Arms Races Dangerous?: Rational versus Suboptimal Arming
Author: Charles L. Glaser
Publisher/Publication: International Security
Volume/Issue: 28 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1162/0162288041588313
The Urge to Compete: Rationales for Arms Racing
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: World Politics
Volume/Issue: 26 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2009900
The Sultan’s Torpedo Flotilla: Ottoman Torpedo Vessels in the Heyday of the Jeune Ecole, 1882-1902
Author: Emir Yener
Publisher/Publication: Navypedia magazine
Volume/Issue: 2020/3
The Political Economy of Weapons Procurement: The Follow-on Imperative
Author: James R. Kurth
Publisher/Publication: American Economic Review
Volume/Issue: 62 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/1821556
The Foundation and Development of Turkey’s Defence Industry in the Context of National Security Strategy
Author: Hüsnü Özlü
Publisher/Publication: Perceptions
Volume/Issue: XXVI (2)
The Economics of Defence Spending: An International Survey
Author: Keith Hartley, Todd Sandler
Publisher/Publication: Routledge
DOI/ISBN: 0415001617
The Control of the Arms Race: Disarmament and Arms Control in the Missile Age
Author: Hedley Bull
Publisher/Publication: Praeger
DOI/ISBN: 9780758161505
The arms race phenomenon
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: World Politics
Volume/Issue: 24
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2009706
The Arms Dynamic in World Politics
Author: Barry Buzan, Eric Herring
Publisher/Publication: Lynne Rienner
DOI/ISBN: 978-1-55587-596-1
Sir Basil Zaharoff and Sir Vincent Caillard as Instruments of British Policy towards Greece and the Ottoman Empire during the Asquith and Lloyd George Administrations, 1915-8
Author: Joseph Maiolo, Tony Insall
Publisher/Publication: The International History Review
Volume/Issue: 34 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/07075332.2012.690200
Plowshares into Swords: Arms Races in International Politics, 1840-1991
Author: Grant T. Hammond
Publisher/Publication: University of South Carolina Press
DOI/ISBN: 0872498735
Mobilization Follies in International Relations: A Multi-Method Exploration of Why Some Decision Makers Fail to Avoid War When Public Mobilization as a Bargaining Tool Fails
Author: Konstantinos Travlos
Publisher/Publication: All Azimuth
Volume/Issue: 8(2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.20991/allazimuth.477341
Arms Races: Technological and Political Dynamics
Author: Nils Peter Gleditsch, Olav Njolstad
Publisher/Publication: SAGE Publications
DOI/ISBN: 0803982216
Arms Races: Prerequisites and Results
Author: Samuel Huntington
Publisher/Publication: Public Policy
Volume/Issue: 8 (1)
Arms Races and the Causes of War, 1850-1945 in Strategy and Diplomacy 1870-1945
Author: Paul Kennedy
Publisher/Publication: George Allen & Unwin
DOI/ISBN: 0049020072
Arms Competition, Arms Control, and Strategies of Peacetime Competition from Fisher to Reagan, in Hal Brands (ed.), The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age
Author: Thomas G. Mahnken
Publisher/Publication: Princeton University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780691204383
An Introduction to Strategic Studies: Military Technology and International Relations
Author: Barry Buzan
Publisher/Publication: Macmillan
DOI/ISBN: 978-0-333-36506-9
Understanding Arms Race Onset: Rivalry, Threat, and Territorial Competition
Author: Toby J. Rider
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Politics
Volume/Issue: 71 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1017/S0022381609090549
Threat-perception and the armament-tension dilemma
Author: J. D. Singer
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 2 (1)
The Steps to War
Author: Paul D. Senese, John A. Vasquez
Publisher/Publication: Princeton University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780691134215
The Outcomes of Military Buildups: Minor States vs. Major Powers
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 39 (6)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343302039006002
Taking Arms Against a Sea of Troubles: Conventional Arms Races During Periods of Rivalry
Author: Douglas M. Gibler, Toby J. Rider, Marc L. Hutchison
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 42 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002234330505687
Reconfiguring the arms race-war debate
Author: Paul F. Diehl, Mark J. C. Crescenzi
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 35 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343398035001007
Power transitions and military buildups: Resolving the relationship between arms buildups and war, in Jacek Kugler and Douglas Lemke (eds.), Parity and War: Evaluations and Extensions of The War Ledger
Author: S. Werner, J. Kugler
Publisher/Publication: University of Michigan Press
DOI/ISBN: 0472066021
Mobilization Follies in International Relations: A Multi-Method Exploration of Why Some Decision Makers Fail to Avoid War When Public Mobilization as a Bargaining Tool Fails
Author: Konstantinos Travlos
Publisher/Publication: All Azimuth
Volume/Issue: 8(2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.20991/allazimuth.477341
Military buildups: Arming and war, in John A. Vasquez (ed.) What do we Know about War
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
DOI/ISBN: 153814008X
Military Buildups, War, and Realpolitik: A Multivariate Model
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 42 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022002798042002002
Just part of the game? Arms races, rivalry, and war
Author: Toby J. Rider, Michael G. Findley, Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 48 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343310389505
Furthering the Investigation into the Effects of Arms Buildups
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 35 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343398035001009
Expectations and arms races
Author: Stephen J. Majeski
Publisher/Publication: American Journal of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 29 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2111164
Breaking the Stalemate in the study of the relationship of Mutual Military Buildups, Arms Races and Militarized Disputes: The Greece-Turkey/Ottoman Empire Cases
Author: Ioannis Nioutsikos, Konstantinos Travlos, Magdalini Daskalopoulou
Publisher/Publication: All Azimuth
Volume/Issue: 12 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.20991/allazimuth.1269895
Arms Racing, Military Build-Ups and Dispute Intensity: Evidence from the Greek-Turkish Rivalry, 1985-2020
Author: Ioannis Choulis, Marius Mehrl, Kostas Ifantis
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 33 (7)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10242694.2021.1933312
Arms races to war: Testing some empirical linkages
Author: Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: The Sociological Quarterly
Volume/Issue: 26 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1111/j.1533-8525.1985.tb00231.x
Arms Races and Escalation: Some Persisting Doubts
Author: Erich Weede
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 24 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278002400205
Arms races and escalation: some new evidence
Author: Michael. D. Wallace
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 23
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200277902300101
Arms Races and Escalation: A Closer Look
Author: Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 20 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002234338302000301
Arms Races and Dispute Escalation: Resolving the Debate
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 34 (1)
Arms Race Modeling: Causality Analysis and Model Specification
Author: Stephen J. Majeski, David L. Jones
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 25 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278102500203
Arms Race Modeling: Causality Analysis and Model Specification
Author: Stephen J. Majeski, David L. Jones
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 25 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278102500203
Arms Race Instability and War
Author: Theresa Clair Smith
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 24 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278002400204
Arms race between Greece and Turkey: a Markov switching approach
Author: Hasan Şahin, Onur Özoy
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 19 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10242690801972154
Arms Buildups and the Use of Military Force, in Cameron G. Thies (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis
Author: David F. Mitchell, Jeffrey Pickering
Publisher/Publication: Oxford University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780190463045
Arms and Insecurity: A Mathematical Study of the Causes and Origins of War
Author: Lewis. F. Richardson
Publisher/Publication: Boxwood
DOI/ISBN: 9780835703789
Armaments and Escalation: Two Competing Hypotheses
Author: Michael. D. Wallace
Publisher/Publication: International Studies Quarterly
Volume/Issue: 26 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2600598
The Sultan’s Torpedo Flotilla: Ottoman Torpedo Vessels in the Heyday of the Jeune Ecole, 1882-1902
Author: Emir Yener
Publisher/Publication: Navypedia magazine
Volume/Issue: 2020/3
The Political Economy of Weapons Procurement: The Follow-on Imperative
Author: James R. Kurth
Publisher/Publication: American Economic Review
Volume/Issue: 62 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/1821556
The Ottoman Steam Navy 1828-1923
Author: Bernd Langespiepen, Ahmet Güleryüz
Publisher/Publication: Conway Maritime Press
DOI/ISBN: 0-85177-610-8
The Foundation and Development of Turkey’s Defence Industry in the Context of National Security Strategy
Author: Hüsnü Özlü
Publisher/Publication: Perceptions
Volume/Issue: XXVI (2)
The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War
Author: David G. Herrmann
Publisher/Publication: Princeton University Press
DOI/ISBN: 0-691-3374-9
The 1930 Greek-Turkish naval protocol
Author: Evanthis Hatzivassiliou
Volume/Issue: 9 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/09592299808406071
Sir Basil Zaharoff and Sir Vincent Caillard as Instruments of British Policy towards Greece and the Ottoman Empire during the Asquith and Lloyd George Administrations, 1915-8
Author: Joseph Maiolo, Tony Insall
Publisher/Publication: The International History Review
Volume/Issue: 34 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/07075332.2012.690200
Rulers, Guns, and Money: the Global Arms Trade in the Age of Imperialism
Author: Jonathan A. Grant
Publisher/Publication: Harvard University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780674024427
Plowshares into Swords: Arms Races in International Politics, 1840-1991
Author: Grant T. Hammond
Publisher/Publication: University of South Carolina Press
DOI/ISBN: 0872498735
Greek Naval Strategy and Policy, 1910-1919
Author: Zisis Fotakis
Publisher/Publication: Routledge
DOI/ISBN: 0-415-35014-X
Cry Havoc: How the Arms Race drove the World to War, 1931-1941
Author: Joseph Maiolo
Publisher/Publication: Basic Books
DOI/ISBN: 978-0-465-0114-8
Between Depression and Disarmament: The International Armaments Business, 1919-1939
Author: Jonathan A. Grant
Publisher/Publication: Cambridge University Press
DOI/ISBN: 978-1-108-42835
Arms Races in International Politics: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century
Author: Thomas Mahnken, Joseph Maiolo, David Stevenson
Publisher/Publication: Oxford University Press
DOI/ISBN: 978-0-19-873526-7
Arms Competition, Arms Control, and Strategies of Peacetime Competition from Fisher to Reagan, in Hal Brands (ed.), The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age
Author: Thomas G. Mahnken
Publisher/Publication: Princeton University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780691204383
Arming the Sultan: German Arms Trade and Personal Diplomacy in the Ottoman Empire Before World War I
Author: Naci Yorulmaz
Publisher/Publication: I. B. Tauris
DOI/ISBN: 9781780766331
Armaments and the Coming of War: Europe, 1904-1914
Author: David Stevenson
Publisher/Publication: Oxford University Press
DOI/ISBN: 0-19-820208-3
Understanding Arms Race Onset: Rivalry, Threat, and Territorial Competition
Author: Toby J. Rider
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Politics
Volume/Issue: 71 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1017/S0022381609090549
Threat-perception and the armament-tension dilemma
Author: J. D. Singer
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 2 (1)
The Steps to War
Author: Paul D. Senese, John A. Vasquez
Publisher/Publication: Princeton University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780691134215
The Outcomes of Military Buildups: Minor States vs. Major Powers
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 39 (6)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343302039006002
The Arms Acquisition Process: The Effect of Internal and External Constraints on Arms Race Dynamics
Author: Sean Bolks, Richard J. Stoll
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 44 (5)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022002700044005002
Taking Arms Against a Sea of Troubles: Conventional Arms Races During Periods of Rivalry
Author: Douglas M. Gibler, Toby J. Rider, Marc L. Hutchison
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 42 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002234330505687
Reconfiguring the arms race-war debate
Author: Paul F. Diehl, Mark J. C. Crescenzi
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 35 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343398035001007
Power transitions and military buildups: Resolving the relationship between arms buildups and war, in Jacek Kugler and Douglas Lemke (eds.), Parity and War: Evaluations and Extensions of The War Ledger
Author: S. Werner, J. Kugler
Publisher/Publication: University of Michigan Press
DOI/ISBN: 0472066021
Mobilization Follies in International Relations: A Multi-Method Exploration of Why Some Decision Makers Fail to Avoid War When Public Mobilization as a Bargaining Tool Fails
Author: Konstantinos Travlos
Publisher/Publication: All Azimuth
Volume/Issue: 8(2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.20991/allazimuth.477341
Military buildups: Arming and war, in John A. Vasquez (ed.) What do we Know about War
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
DOI/ISBN: 153814008X
Military Buildups, War, and Realpolitik: A Multivariate Model
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 42 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022002798042002002
Just part of the game? Arms races, rivalry, and war
Author: Toby J. Rider, Michael G. Findley, Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 48 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343310389505
Furthering the Investigation into the Effects of Arms Buildups
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 35 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343398035001009
Expectations and arms races
Author: Stephen J. Majeski
Publisher/Publication: American Journal of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 29 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2111164
Breaking the Stalemate in the study of the relationship of Mutual Military Buildups, Arms Races and Militarized Disputes: The Greece-Turkey/Ottoman Empire Cases
Author: Ioannis Nioutsikos, Konstantinos Travlos, Magdalini Daskalopoulou
Publisher/Publication: All Azimuth
Volume/Issue: 12 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.20991/allazimuth.1269895
Arms Racing, Military Build-Ups and Dispute Intensity: Evidence from the Greek-Turkish Rivalry, 1985-2020
Author: Ioannis Choulis, Marius Mehrl, Kostas Ifantis
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 33 (7)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10242694.2021.1933312
Arms races to war: Testing some empirical linkages
Author: Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: The Sociological Quarterly
Volume/Issue: 26 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1111/j.1533-8525.1985.tb00231.x
Arms Races and Escalation: Some Persisting Doubts
Author: Erich Weede
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 24 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278002400205
Arms races and escalation: some new evidence
Author: Michael. D. Wallace
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 23
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200277902300101
Arms Races and Escalation: A Closer Look
Author: Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 20 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002234338302000301
Arms Races and Dispute Escalation: Resolving the Debate
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 34 (1)
Arms Race Modeling: Causality Analysis and Model Specification
Author: Stephen J. Majeski, David L. Jones
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 25 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278102500203
Arms Race Modeling: Causality Analysis and Model Specification
Author: Stephen J. Majeski, David L. Jones
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 25 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278102500203
Arms Race Instability and War
Author: Theresa Clair Smith
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 24 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278002400204
Arms race between Greece and Turkey: a Markov switching approach
Author: Hasan Şahin, Onur Özoy
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 19 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10242690801972154
Arms Buildups and the Use of Military Force, in Cameron G. Thies (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis
Author: David F. Mitchell, Jeffrey Pickering
Publisher/Publication: Oxford University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780190463045
Arms and Insecurity: A Mathematical Study of the Causes and Origins of War
Author: Lewis. F. Richardson
Publisher/Publication: Boxwood
DOI/ISBN: 9780835703789
Armaments and Escalation: Two Competing Hypotheses
Author: Michael. D. Wallace
Publisher/Publication: International Studies Quarterly
Volume/Issue: 26 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2600598
Threat-perception and the armament-tension dilemma
Author: J. D. Singer
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 2 (1)
The Great Illusion
Author: Norman Angell
Publisher/Publication: GP Putnam’s Sons
DOI/ISBN: 1112567437
The Control of the Arms Race: Disarmament and Arms Control in the Missile Age
Author: Hedley Bull
Publisher/Publication: Praeger
DOI/ISBN: 9780758161505
The Arms Race: A Programme for World Disarmament
Author: Philip Noel-Baker
Publisher/Publication: J. Calder
DOI/ISBN: 9780379000856
House of Cards: Why Arms Control Must Fail
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: Cornell University Press
DOI/ISBN: 0801427037
When are Arms Races Dangerous?: Rational versus Suboptimal Arming
Author: Charles L. Glaser
Publisher/Publication: International Security
Volume/Issue: 28 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1162/0162288041588313
The Urge to Compete: Rationales for Arms Racing
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: World Politics
Volume/Issue: 26 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2009900
The Steps to War
Author: Paul D. Senese, John A. Vasquez
Publisher/Publication: Princeton University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780691134215
The Causes and Consequences of Arms Races
Author: Charles L. Glaser
Publisher/Publication: Annual Review of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 3
DOI/ISBN: 10.1146/annurev.polisci.3.1.251
The arms race phenomenon
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: World Politics
Volume/Issue: 24
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2009706
The Arms Dynamic in World Politics
Author: Barry Buzan, Eric Herring
Publisher/Publication: Lynne Rienner
DOI/ISBN: 978-1-55587-596-1
Power transitions and military buildups: Resolving the relationship between arms buildups and war, in Jacek Kugler and Douglas Lemke (eds.), Parity and War: Evaluations and Extensions of The War Ledger
Author: S. Werner, J. Kugler
Publisher/Publication: University of Michigan Press
DOI/ISBN: 0472066021
Breaking the Stalemate in the study of the relationship of Mutual Military Buildups, Arms Races and Militarized Disputes: The Greece-Turkey/Ottoman Empire Cases
Author: Ioannis Nioutsikos, Konstantinos Travlos, Magdalini Daskalopoulou
Publisher/Publication: All Azimuth
Volume/Issue: 12 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.20991/allazimuth.1269895
Arms Races: Prerequisites and Results
Author: Samuel Huntington
Publisher/Publication: Public Policy
Volume/Issue: 8 (1)
An Introduction to Strategic Studies: Military Technology and International Relations
Author: Barry Buzan
Publisher/Publication: Macmillan
DOI/ISBN: 978-0-333-36506-9
Tacit Bargaining, Arms Races and Arms Control
Author: George W. Downs, David M. Rocke
Publisher/Publication: University of Michigan Press
DOI/ISBN: 0472094505
Arms Races and Arms Control: Modeling the Hawk Perspective
Author: Andrew Kydd
Publisher/Publication: American Journal of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 44 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2669307
Arms and Influence
Author: Thomas C. Schelling
Publisher/Publication: Yale University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780300246742
A Twist of Truth: A Reexamination of the Effects of Arms Races on the Occurrence of War
Author: James D. Morrow
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 33 (4)
When are Arms Races Dangerous?: Rational versus Suboptimal Arming
Author: Charles L. Glaser
Publisher/Publication: International Security
Volume/Issue: 28 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1162/0162288041588313
The Urge to Compete: Rationales for Arms Racing
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: World Politics
Volume/Issue: 26 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2009900
The Control of the Arms Race: Disarmament and Arms Control in the Missile Age
Author: Hedley Bull
Publisher/Publication: Praeger
DOI/ISBN: 9780758161505
The Causes and Consequences of Arms Races
Author: Charles L. Glaser
Publisher/Publication: Annual Review of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 3
DOI/ISBN: 10.1146/annurev.polisci.3.1.251
The arms race phenomenon
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: World Politics
Volume/Issue: 24
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2009706
House of Cards: Why Arms Control Must Fail
Author: Colin S. Gray
Publisher/Publication: Cornell University Press
DOI/ISBN: 0801427037
Arms Races and the Causes of War, 1850-1945 in Strategy and Diplomacy 1870-1945
Author: Paul Kennedy
Publisher/Publication: George Allen & Unwin
DOI/ISBN: 0049020072
The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Regime-Switching in the Greek-Turkish Arms Race
Author: Ron Smith, Martin Sola, Fabio Spagnolo
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 37 (6)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343300037006005
The Greek-Turkish Conflict and Greek Military Expenditure 1960-92
Author: Christos G. Kollias
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 33 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343396033002007
The Economics of Defence of Greece and Turkey: A Contemporary Theoretical Approach for States Rivalry and Arms Race, in E. Nikolaidou (ed.), Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Economics & Security
Author: Evaghoras L. Evaghorou
Publisher/Publication: South-East European Research Center
The econometrics of arms races
Author: Ron P. Smith, Paul J. Dunne, Eftychia Nikolaidou
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 11 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10430710008404937
Survey and review of the defense economics literature on Greece and Turkey: What have we learned
Author: Jurgen Brauer
Publisher/Publication: Defense and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 13 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10242690210969
Modeling Greek-Turkish Rivalry: An Empirical Investigation of Defense Spending Dynamics
Author: George M. Georgiou, Panayotis T. Kapopoulos, Sophia Lazaretou
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 33 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343396033002008
Military expenditure and economic growth: A demand and supply model for Greece, 1960-96
Author: Paul Dunne, Eftychia Nikolaidou
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 12 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10430710108404976
Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Greece, 1960-90
Author: Nicholas Antonakis
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 34 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343397034001007
Is there any co-integration between Turkey’s and Greece’s Military Expenditures?
Author: Ä°smail Aktar, Abdulkadir Civan
Publisher/Publication: Dumlupinar Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Is there a Greek-Turkish arms race?: Some further empirical results from causality tests
Author: Christos Kollias, Suzanna-Maria Paleologou
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 13 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10242690212357
Is there a Greek-Turkish arms race?: Evidence from cointegration and causality tests
Author: Christos Kollias, Stelios Makrydakis
Publisher/Publication: Defense and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 8 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10430719708404886
Investigation of the Greek-Turkish Military Spending Relation
Author: Mary Michail, Nicholas Papasyriopoulos
Publisher/Publication: International Advances in Economic Research
Volume/Issue: 18 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1007/s11294-012-9362-3
Guns versus Butter: A Multisectoral Approach to Military Expenditure and Growth with Evidence from Greece, 1960-1993
Author: Nicholas Antonakis
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 43 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022002799043004005
Greece: Military Expenditure, Economic Growth, and the Opportunity Cost of Defense, in Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne (eds.) Arming the South
Author: E. Athanassiou, E. Kollias, E. C. Nikolaidou, S. Zografakis
Publisher/Publication: Palgrave Macmillan
DOI/ISBN: 978-0-230-50125-6
Greece and Turkey: The Case Study of an Arms Race from the Greek Perspective
Author: Christos G. Kollias
Publisher/Publication: Spoudai
Volume/Issue: 41 (1)
Financial vs human resources in the Greek-Turkish arms race 10 years on
Author: Andreas S. Andreou, George A. Zombanakis
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 11 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10430710008404956
Defense spending and economic growth: an empirical investigation for Greece and Turkey
Author: N. Dritsakis
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Policy Modeling
Volume/Issue: 26 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2004.03.011
Defense spending and economic growth: A casual analysis for Greece and Turkey
Author: Paul Dunne, Eftychia Nikolaidou, Dimitrios Vougas
Publisher/Publication: Defence and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 12 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10430710108404974
Arms race models and econometric applications, in Paul Levine and Ron Smith (eds.), Arms Trade, Security and Conflict
Author: Paul J. Dunne, Eftychia Nikolaidou, Ron P. Smith
Publisher/Publication: Routledge
DOI/ISBN: 10.4324/9780203477168
An Analysis of the Action-Reaction Behavior in the Defense Expenditures of Turkey and Greece
Author: Gülay Günlük-Şenesen
Publisher/Publication: Turkish Studies
Volume/Issue: 5 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/14683849.2004.9687243
The Economics of Defence Spending: An International Survey
Author: Keith Hartley, Todd Sandler
Publisher/Publication: Routledge
DOI/ISBN: 0415001617
The Causes and Consequences of Arms Races
Author: Charles L. Glaser
Publisher/Publication: Annual Review of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 3
DOI/ISBN: 10.1146/annurev.polisci.3.1.251
Is there a Greek-Turkish arms race?: Evidence from cointegration and causality tests
Author: Christos Kollias, Stelios Makrydakis
Publisher/Publication: Defense and Peace Economics
Volume/Issue: 8 (4)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/10430719708404886
Arms Buildups and the Use of Military Force, in Cameron G. Thies (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis
Author: David F. Mitchell, Jeffrey Pickering
Publisher/Publication: Oxford University Press
DOI/ISBN: 9780190463045
An Analysis of the Action-Reaction Behavior in the Defense Expenditures of Turkey and Greece
Author: Gülay Günlük-Şenesen
Publisher/Publication: Turkish Studies
Volume/Issue: 5 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1080/14683849.2004.9687243
The Outcomes of Military Buildups: Minor States vs. Major Powers
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 39 (6)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343302039006002
Military buildups: Arming and war, in John A. Vasquez (ed.) What do we Know about War
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
DOI/ISBN: 153814008X
Military Buildups, War, and Realpolitik: A Multivariate Model
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 42 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022002798042002002
Furthering the Investigation into the Effects of Arms Buildups
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 35 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343398035001009
Arms Races and Dispute Escalation: Resolving the Debate
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 34 (1)
Reconfiguring the arms race-war debate
Author: Paul F. Diehl, Mark J. C. Crescenzi
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 35 (1)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/0022343398035001007
Expectations and arms races
Author: Stephen J. Majeski
Publisher/Publication: American Journal of Political Science
Volume/Issue: 29 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/2111164
Arms races to war: Testing some empirical linkages
Author: Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: The Sociological Quarterly
Volume/Issue: 26 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1111/j.1533-8525.1985.tb00231.x
Arms Races and Escalation: A Closer Look
Author: Paul F. Diehl
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 20 (3)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002234338302000301
Arms Races and Dispute Escalation: Resolving the Debate
Author: Susan G. Sample
Publisher/Publication: Journal of Peace Research
Volume/Issue: 34 (1)
Arms Race Modeling: Causality Analysis and Model Specification
Author: Stephen J. Majeski, David L. Jones
Publisher/Publication: The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Volume/Issue: 25 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.1177/002200278102500203
The Political Economy of Weapons Procurement: The Follow-on Imperative
Author: James R. Kurth
Publisher/Publication: American Economic Review
Volume/Issue: 62 (2)
DOI/ISBN: 10.2307/1821556
The Economics of Defence Spending: An International Survey
Author: Keith Hartley, Todd Sandler
Publisher/Publication: Routledge
DOI/ISBN: 0415001617
Arms Races: Technological and Political Dynamics
Author: Nils Peter Gleditsch, Olav Njolstad
Publisher/Publication: SAGE Publications
DOI/ISBN: 0803982216